Department of Philosophy                        firstname.lastname @
Jorgenson 432
Toronto Metropolitan University              I'm on Twitter at @davidhunterTO
(formerly Ryerson University)
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON Canada
M5B 2K3
1-416-979-5000 x1-2697

​David Hunter

My book On Believing: being right in a world of possibilities, was published in May 2022 with Oxford University Press.

I'm signed a contract with OUP for a book on the nature of desire and its connections to varieties of goodness. If all goes well, it will appear in 2024.

I am a professor in the Department of Philosophy at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) in Toronto, Canada. Before joining TMU in 2006, I taught for nearly a decade at Buffalo State College, in Buffalo, NY.

I received a BA in philosophy from McGill University, and a PhD in philosophy from MIT. 

​I have been on the editorial board of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy since 2006 and served as its Editorial Board Coordinator (aka Managing Editor) from 2013-2020. We are published in partnership with Cambridge University Press.